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Traditional Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs
2000 years of experience made by Chinese doctors have resulted in one of the most fascinating approaches to healing.
Acupuncture today
Today, Chinese Medicine (CM) enhances the healing possibilities of “western” medicine across cultural boundaries. Acupuncture and herbal medicine as the central methods of CM are based on holistic models of theoretical medical thinking whose systematic application leads to optimum therapeutic outcomes.
Acupuncture cannot be ignored when it comes to treating pain and chronic diseases. Acupuncture has been an internationally recognised and recommended method of treatment for over 40 diagnostic conditions since 1979.
How acupuncture works
Very fine pinpricks at the spinal cord level block pain from being relayed to the brain. Endogenous substances are released whose effects are otherwise only achieved through the use of pharmaceuticals in tablet or injection form. As a result of acupuncture, centres in the brain produce psychologically balancing substances that soothe pain and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Acupuncture promotes the regeneration of damaged tissue by triggering immunological processes.
Based on the principle of equilibrium, the body is stimulated to “reboot”, resulting in optimum auto-regulation and regeneration.
Making a diagnosis is different in acupuncture and herbal medicine, which represents a special characteristic of the very efficient type of acupuncture that I learned under Dr Richard Tehfu Tan and which differentiates it from most types of acupuncture taught around the world. Dr Tan called this system the Balance Method. Anyone interested can learn more about it here.
No substances are added to the body. Existing reserves are mobilised and deployed appropriately. The body’s own intrinsic processes for regeneration and repair are activated harmoniously and are allowed to become fully active again in the healing process.
Apart from possible slight bruising, acupuncture has no side effects. Single-use needles are of course used.
Very fine, specially polished acupuncture needles are introduced at specific points and left there for between 30 and 60 minutes.
Duration and type of treatment
An acupuncture session lasts around 60 minutes. Depending on the condition, a course of treatment consists of between 4 and 25 sessions, with intervals between treatment of between 1 and 14 days.
The more acute and more severe the complaint is, the higher the initial frequency of treatment in order to achieve lasting outcomes. A lower frequency of treatment over a longer period may be expedient for longer lasting, mild symptoms.
The patient bears the cost of treatment.
Many private health insurance policies cover some or all of the costs. Billing is effected based on the statutory scale of fees for doctors (GOÄ – Gebührenordnung für Ärzte).
Selection of disorders for which acupuncture, often in combination with Chinese herbal remedies (see also here) may be used:
All types of acute and chronic pain:
Neck pain
Headaches and migraine
Facial pain
Mandibular joint pain
Tennis elbow
Chest pains
Herpes zoster
Back pain
Knee pain
Rheumatic complaints
HNO-specific diagnoses:
Neuroparalysis, e.g. facial nerve paresis
Selected cases of tinnitus
Globus sensation
Functional voice disorders
Functional dysphagia
Allergies (e.g. hay fever)
(Acute diseases of the respiratory system, in particular those caused by viruses can be treated very well with Chinese herbal remedies.)
Susceptibility to infection
Recurrent mouth ulcers
Dry coughs
Bronchial asthma
Skin disorders:
Forms of acne, rosacea, psoriasis, eczema
Gynaecological complaints:
Menstrual complaints (e.g. PMS, polycystic ovaries, heavy menstrual bleeding, irregular menstrual periods)
Menopausal complaints
General complaints:
Concentration disorders
Tachycardia/ functional cardia arrhythmia
States of depression
Fatigue, exhaustion
Eye disorders:
Glaucoma (high intraocular pressure)
Gastrointestinal complaints:
Irritable bowel
Chronic inflammatory disorders of the bowel
Abdominal pain
Loss of appetite
Dysenteric disorders/ diarrhoea
Urological complaints:
Urinary tract infections
Forms of incontinence
Please do not hesitate in individual cases to ask whether I see an opportunity to treat your complaint.
worth knowing
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